Wednesday, March 16, 2011


 She appears, and we are once more children
we commence again our course with the new year.
Let the maiden no more return, and men will become poets for very grief. 
No sooner has winter left us time to regret her smiles,
 than we yield to the advances of poetic frenzy. 
"The flowers look kindly at us from the beds with their child eyes, 
and in the horizon the snow of the far mountains dissolves into light vapor."

- GOETHE, Torciuato Tasso.

Today is the first day this year that I was able to open all the windows of the house.
It felt good to mix the inside air with the outside  and to hang sheets to dry
for the nights sleeping.

I have opened my Etsy shop! You can click on the icon at the top of the left side bar, or here. I hope to add more soon.


  1. This was a warm day for you today, I see.The photo is so fresh! I visited your Etsy-shop. It is really superb! I like the presentation of your drawings there. It is a good idea! The combination with other things like some clothes is good to hire different clients. Your Blog is very lively,abundant with art and professional made. Compliment!
